Now, don't get confused... "The Executioner" is NOT a sim site, but is an "Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter" site.
However, if you are an "Anita Blake" fan, you'll find Mandi's site very entertaining and informative. She also has fanfiction,
so go have fun!

"Beware of Bite" is another fabulous site dedicated to Laurell K. Hamilton's "Anita Blake:Vampire
Hunter" series and her intriguing cast of characters. Dark Queen's site is super, and she has some fanfiction there
that I haven't seen anywhere else.. so go check it out!

If you've never read "Pride and Prejudice" or any of the
"Anita Blake" series, then I highly recommend them. I know it's a strange mix... an English classic & a modern ongoing
tale of vamps, werecritters, policemen, and one petite necromancer with one bad attitude, but.. hey.. I sort of just fell
into this thing. I'll be adding more books as I go along, so maybe this combo will eventually make more sense.. but,
knowing myself as I do, I sincerely doubt it! ;) Still, I hope you find my sims entertaining, if nothing else!
If you want to add my link to your site, or vice versa, please let me know via e-mail and I'll set you up!
If you do decide to use my little advertisement/banner/thingie (below), then please save it on your harddrive. Don't
use my bandwidth, okey-dokey? =)
