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My Links!
These are all fabulous sites run by even more fabulous people!  Go see them and find out for yourself!

Hey, check this out!  My fellow "Anita Blake" Simming fan, Amy,  is in the process of creating their houses & places of business!!!!  (whoo-hoo)!!!  She already has "Guilty Pleasures" up and posted so go see for yourself!!!!


"8th Deadly Sim" is a pay site, but you get a lot for what you pay for.  They have exclusive meshes that I simply adore, not to mention lovely objects.  There is mature content, so this isn't a place for your kids, but, due to Jean-Claude's occupational hazard (being an incubus) I needed to find some, well... kind of naughty clothes and such for "Guilty Pleasures" that my adult daughter created for our sims, as well as clothing for the whole group to wear when they have to attend a vampire/lycanthrope function.  This was the best place to find what we needed! (blushing)


Sim Freaks is another fabulous site.  I have an automatic monthly renewal set up with them because they're just that good! (laughing)  Plus, I use Fionn's head meshes for my skins most of the time, so their site is definitely worth the small monthly fee.


Virtuella's Bazaar was where I first found another simmer interested in making a  "Pride & Prejudice" neighborhood.  Her Pemberley house is gorgeous and perfect for my Mr. Darcy to live in!  There's a wonderful collection of objects, as well, not just for the "P&P" project.. Go check her out!


Now, don't get confused... "The Executioner" is NOT a sim site, but is an "Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter" site.  However, if you are an "Anita Blake" fan, you'll find Mandi's site very entertaining and informative.  She also has fanfiction, so go have fun!


"Beware of Bite" is another fabulous site dedicated to Laurell K. Hamilton's "Anita Blake:Vampire Hunter" series and her intriguing cast of characters.  Dark Queen's site is super, and she has some fanfiction there that I haven't seen anywhere else.. so go check it out!


If you've never read "Pride and Prejudice" or any of the "Anita Blake" series, then I highly recommend them.  I know it's a strange mix... an English classic & a modern ongoing tale of vamps, werecritters, policemen, and one petite necromancer with one bad attitude, but.. hey.. I sort of just fell into this thing.  I'll be adding more books as I go along, so maybe this combo will eventually make more sense.. but, knowing myself as I do, I sincerely doubt it! ;)  Still, I hope you find my sims entertaining, if nothing else!

If you want to add my link to your site, or vice versa, please let me know via e-mail and I'll set you up!  If you do decide to use my little advertisement/banner/thingie (below), then please save it on your harddrive.  Don't use my bandwidth, okey-dokey? =)


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